Full text: List of Nobel Laureates (1939)

Hertz, Gustav, professor of physics at the Univer- 
sity of Halle, born 1887; “for their discovery of 
the laws governing the impact of an electron upon 
an atom.’’ 
The prize for the vear 1026 was awarded to: 
PERRIN, JEAN, professor of physical chemistry at the 
University of Paris, born 1870; “for his works 
on the discontinuous structure of matter, and espe- 
cially for his discovery of the equilibvium of sedi- 
The prize for the year 1927 was divided equally between : 
CompTON, ARTHUR HOLLY, professor of physics at 
the University of Chicago, born 1892; “for his 
discovery of the phenomenon known by his name’; 
WiLsoN, CHARLES THOMSON REES, professor at the 
University of Cambridge, born 1869; “for the 
method discovered by him of perceiving by conden- 
sation of steam, the paths taken by electrically 
charged particles.” 
The prize fov the vear 1928 was awarded in 1929 fo: 
RicHARDSON, OWEN WiLLANS, holder of the Yarrow- 
professorship at the Royal Society, London, 
and director of the physical laboratory at King’s 
College, London, born 1879; “for his works om 
the phenomenon of theymed ions and especially for 
the discovery of the law known by his name.’’ 
The prize for the year 1929 was awarded to: 
pE BroGLIE, Louils-VicTor, Prince, professor of 
physics at the Henri Poincaré Institute, Paris, 
born 1892; “for his discovery of the wave chavacter 
of electrons.”’

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