Duly qualified to propose Nobel
prize candidates are:
Physics and Chemistry.
Home and foreign members of the Royal Acad-
emy of Science in Stockholm.
Members of the Nobel-Committees of the Physi-
cal and Chemical Sections as defined in the
Scientists who have received a Nobel-prize from
the Academy of Science.
Professors, whether in ordinary or associate, of
the Physical and Chemical Sciences at the Uni-
versities of Uppsala, Lund, Oslo, Copenhagen and
Helsingfors, at the Caroline Medico-Chirurgical
Institute and the Royal Technical College in
Stockholm, and also those teachers of the same
subjects who are on the permanent staff of the
Stockholm University College.
Holders of similar chairs at other universities or
university colleges, to the number of at least
six, to be selected by the Academy of Science in
the way most appropriate for the just representa-
tion of the various countries and their respective
seats of learning.
Other scientists whom the Academy of Science
may see fit to select.
determination as to the choice to be made of
teachers and scientists, in accordance with sec-
tions 5 and 6 above, shall be arrived at before
the close of each September.