Full text: List of Nobel Laureates (1939)

5. The Nobel peace price: 
The prize for the vear 1001 was divided equally be- 
tween * 
DunaNT, Henri, founder of the Red Cross, origi- 
nator of the Geneva Convention, born 1828, 
died 30th October, 1910; and 
Passy, FrREDERIC, founder of the first French peace 
society, President of the Société francaise d’ar- 
bitrage entre nations; born 1822, died 12th June, 
The prize for the year rgoz was divided equally be- 
DucommuN, ELiE, Honorary Secretary to the Bureau 
International Permanent de la Paix, Berne, 
born 1833, died ~tli December, 1006; and 
GosaT, ALBERT, Secretary General to the Interpar- 
liamentarian Bureau, later Honorary Secretary tc 
the Bureau International Permanent de la Paix, 
Berne, born 1843, died 16th March, 1914. 
The prize for the year 1903 was awarded to: 
CREMER, SiR WiLLiaMm RANDAL, Member of Parlia- 
ment, Founder and Secretary of the Interna- 
tional Arbitration League, born 1828, died 22nd 
Tuly, 1908. 
The prize for the year 1904 was awarded to: 
ciety founded 1873 in Ghent. 
The prize for the year 1905 was awarded to: 
VON SUTTNER, BrrTHA, Baroness, Austrian writer 
born 1843, died 21st June, 1014.

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