The Nobel prize for literature:
The prize for the wear 1901 was awarded lo:
member of the French Academy, born 1839,
died 7th September, 1907; “in recognition of his
exceptional merit as a writer, as shown even in his
later yeavs; and especially of his poetry, which
veveals a vave genius for the expression of lofty
idealism and deep fecling in a pevfect form.”
The prize for the year 1902 was awavded to:
MoMMSEN, THEODOR, professor of history at the
University of Berlin, born 1817, died 1st No-
vember, 1903; ‘‘the greatest living master of
historical narrative, in special recognition of his
monumental Roman history.’
The prize for the year 1903 was awavded fo:
BjORNSON, BJjORNSTJERNE, Norway, born 1832, died
26th April, 1910; “in recognition of a noble devo-
tion lo poetic creation over a long period of years,
distinguished by a rave purity of spirit and ovi-
ginality of conception.”
The prize for the year 1904 was equally divided be-
MisTRAL, FrEDERI, France, born 1830, died 25th
March, 1914; “in recognition of the fresh oviginal-
ity and true avlistic genius of his poetry, which
faithfully mivvors the native spirit of his people, and
of his important work as a Provence philologist.”
LCHEGARAY, Josi, member of the Spanish Academy,
born 1833, died 14th September, 1916; “In ve-
cognition of the brilliant and extensive literary
work in which he has revived the great traditions
of the Spanish drama on original and independent