Full text: List of Nobel Laureates (1939)

searches into the fermentation of sugars and the 
enzyme action in the process’; and 
voN EuLer-CHerLriN, Hans KarRL AucusTt SIMON, 
professor of general and organic chemistry at the 
Stockholm University College, born 1873; “for 
his vesearches into the fermentation of sugars and 
the enzyme action in the process.” 
The prize for the year 1930 was awarded to: 
FiscHER, HANs, privy councillor, professor of or- 
ganic chemistry at the Technical High School 
in Munich, director of its organo-chemical la- 
boratory, born 1881; “for his works on the 
structural composition of the colouring matter of 
blood and of leaves and for his synthesis of hemin.”’ 
The prize for the year 1931 was equally divided be- 
fiveen ® 
BoscH, CarL, privy councillor, professor, dr., Hei- 
delberg, born 1874; and 
BeRrGIus, FRIEDRICH, director-general, dr., Heidel- 
berg, born 1884: “for their services vegavding the 
invention and development of chemical highpres- 
sure methods.” 
The prize for the year 1932 was awarded to: 
LANGMUIR, IRVING, dr., director of the Research 
Laboratory of General Electric C:o, Schenectady, 
N. Y., U. S. A, born 1881; “for his discoveries 
and veseavches within the realm of surface chem- 
1fanr 7? 
The prize for the year 1933 was allocated in 1934 with 
one third to the main fund of the Foundation 
and with two thirds to the special fund for this 
group cf trizes.

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