© Hessisches Staatsarchiv Marburg, Best. 340 Grimm Nr. Z 34
aus : The Nation, Nr.985,1884,Mai 15,
s. 432-433
Fünfzehn Essays. Von Herman Grimm. Ber
lixx. New York: B. Westermann & Co.
The essay on Emerson, the first of this most inte-
resting series, was writteu shortly after the death
of our great thinker, and its appreciative tone
and high estimation of Emerson’s writiogs and
influence cannot fail to win the sympathy of
American readers. “Emerson desired that to
his countrymen should remain the advantage of
an unbiassed criticism of the Past,untrammelled
by the transfer of European historical bur-
thens.” Whether he was inspired by a feeling
prevailing around him, or whether his teachings
have become the mainspring of American lite-
rary culture, is a question Grimm cannot deter-
mine. Emerson’s essays tend to make man inde
pendent in thought and action; they invite him
to self-examination, to seek his true vocation in
life and to follow it. To the Idealist he shows
the results of practical labor; to the realist the
beauty and usefulness of intellectual culture,
and these lessons have hörne rieh fruit in various
soils. Carlyle’s admiration of Emerson is well
known. Tyndall’s words have been quoted fre-
quently: “ lf any one can be said to have given
the Impulse to my mind, it is Emerson: what-
ever I have done, the world owes to him.”
Among his own people his influence ispara-
mount. Our critic is strack with the clearness
and simplicity with which New England Profes
sors and students develop their theme, going to
the point at once with out superfluous allocu-
tions. He also finds much to praise in the func-
tion of the daily press in bringing together
“those who have something to teil and those
who wish to hear what is told.” This remark
relates to the accounts in the daily papers at the
time of the death of Longfellow and Emerson,
and the mass of interesting detail they gave con-
cerning both.
Grimm became acquainted in early youth
with Emerson’s writings, and describes the Im
pression they made on him of deep understand-
ing, of sympathetic contemplation of the world
and just appreciation of past and present—an
inward power no other shares with him. Na
ture seemed to have revealed her secrets to him,
and there was no question one might not have
asked him, feeling sure he must know all things.
His thoughts, rumfing in short oracular sen-
tences, were like the verses of some never end-
ing poem, the plan of which he would one day
unfold. All this and much more Grimm teils
us. In his own words : " As the wind by night,
passing through a wood or over a meadow,
bringe us the breath of trees and grasses and
flowers we cannot see, Emerson envelops us
with a feeling of things brought very near to
us. This fteling of my own I now hear ex-
pressed on all sides, as if all had feit thus from
the beginning.” It is needless to follow our au-
thor through the account of Emerson’s life, or
to Comment on the Sketch of his works incor
porated in this article.
“Fiorenza : Remarks on Certain Poems of
Dante and Michael Angelo,” goes far to per-
suade us that Dante and Michael Angelo, in
several poems tili now supposed to have been
written to fair and cruel ladies, addressed the
personification of their native city. Lome critics
have seen Philosophy or some unknown lady in
Dante’s Canz. ix., beginning—
“ Cosi nel mlo parlar vogllo esser aspro.”
Others, because the beloved is apostrophized as
being of 8tone, have thought of Donna Pietra
degli Scrovegni, a Paduan lady, to whom an-
other poem is addressed. There is no doubt
that the reproaches so liberally bestowed were
merited by the poet’s ungrateful Florence. In
the case of Michael Angelo, Grimm argues the
point step by step so cleverly, bringing in fresh
indications in evidence of his theory, that we
cannot refuse to be convinced. The German
rendering of several of Dante’s sonnets and of
the above-cited canzone are very well done.
They are transcribed by Grimm with great
poetic freedom, and therefore do not lose the
beauty and freshness generally wanting in
translations. This article is full of interesting
historical and biographical detail, and deserves
to be carefully read and considered.
The essay on Raphael’s “ School of Athens ”
in the Vatican follows. It is not light reading,
nor have we space to examine our author’s ex-
haustive criticisms of previous writers on the
same Subject, of which there are not a few.
The great point of discussion is whether the
central figures of the composition represent
Plato and Aristotle, or Plato and Paul the
Apostle. Considerable diversity of opinion ex"
ists, also, as to the identity of the groups to the
right and lest of the foreground. No documents
of the time bear any record of this painting, or
make any mention of its existence. In the suc-
ceeding essay, on the early life and works of
Raphael, we are reminded how few reliable
documents exist concerning bis personal life. It
is only within the last fifty years that, through
the investigations of the priest Pungileoni in
the archives of Urbino, we know the real dates
of his birth, his father’s death, etc. Pungileoni
published his account, * Elogio Storico di Ras-.
faelJe Santi d’Urbino,’ in 1839, besides another,
of Giovanni Santi, his father, some years pre
vious to this. From these it appeared how very
inexact Vasari’s life is, and how much more like
a romance thau «erious biography. Leven let-
ters written by Raphael’s band remain to us,
with 800 paintings, and more thau 600 drawings.
These alone suffice to reconstruct the history of
his work. We cannot, for want of space, dwell
at any length on this study. It may internst
our readers to leam that the small picture lately
purchased for a high price and sent to St. Pe
tersburg, known as the Madonna Staffa, is
considered by Grimm to be Raphael s earliest
The treatise on the origin of the populär story
of Doctor Faustus is one of the most interesting
essays of this Collection. The material got to
gether for this was originally intended for a
book on the Subject, but as the author has little
hope of finding time for such a work he gives us
a resumd of his vast stock of lore. The interna
tional popularity of the old book of ‘ Faustus’ he
ascribes chiefly to the fact that.although it treat-
ed of spiritual,clerical,and supernatural matters,
itkeptclear of any leaningtowardsthe Protestant
or the Catholic faith, so that the clergy of nei-
ther religion saw fit to take umbrage at its Con
tents. The Strassburg puppet-show piece from
which Goethe got the principal facts of his
great creation, is generally traced back to the
“Faustus” of Marlowe. The English writer
had used a translation of the old book of ‘ Dr.
Faustus ’ brought to England in the year of its
Publication, 1587, by strolling actors. The au
thor, or rather Compiler,of this boolf is unknown,
but it is not difficult to recognize the original
narrative as distinct from the innumerable dis-
connected adventures tacked on to it from va
rious sources. Dr. Johannes Faust of the story
is neither Catholic nor Protestant, nor has he
any connection with the Reformation, while his
Prototype, Dr. George Faustus, is mentioned by
Luther and Melanchthon,and was a well-known
ebaraeter in his day. Trithemius, Abbot of
Sponheim, considered him a swindler, yet he
seems to have been received by Franz von Sick
ingen and clerical persons of Spires and Er
furt. He was a learned man, proficient in
Greek and mathematics, and boasted that he