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236 Watts, J., Works, publ. by D. Jcnnings & P.
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237 Doddridge, P., a courfc of Lectures or the
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238 die fame, the family cxpofltor; or a paraphrafe
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239 Guyse, J.| a practical. expofition of the fou*
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240 Le nöuyeaux teftamenr, trad- eri fran^ois avec
des notes par de Beaufaubre & Lentant. 2 Vol*
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*41 Book, the, of Commun prayer and admiiiiflra-
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243 Barbcnai, J., trait£ de la Morale des p&res de
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244 Cipricn u St. Oeuvres, trad. en frangois, par
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245 Goodwin^ T^, Works. 5 Vol. Fol. London,
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