The prize for the year 1905 was awarded to:
SIENKIEWICZ, HENRYK, Russian Poland, born 1846,
died 16th November, 1916; “for his great achieve-
ments as an epic writer.”
The prize fov the yeav 1906 was awarded to:
CarpucCl, GIosUE, professor of literary history at
the University of Bologna, born 1835, died 16th
February, 1907; “not only in vecognition of his
wide learning and critical veseavch, but also as a
tribute to the vitality and lyrical gvace that dis-
tinguish his poetic masterpieces.”
The prize for the year 1907 was awarded to:
KirLing, Rupvarp, Great Britain, born 1865, died
18th January, 1936; “in consideration of the gift
of observation, the original imagination and the
forceful appreciation and descriptive power that
distinguish the vital creations of this worid famous
The prize for the vear 1908 was awarded to:
KUCKEN, RuDpOLF, professor of philosophy at the
University of Jena, born 1846, died 15th Sep-
tember, 1926; “in vecogmition of the vigour of
thought, the keenness and vange of perception with
which he has prosecuted his profound seavch for
truth, and developed in his numerous works an
exposition of an ideal attitude to life.’
Che prize fov the year 1909 was awarded to:
LAGERLOF, SELMA, Sweden, born 1858; “in apprecia-
tion of the wealth of imagination and the profoundly
spivitual perception which is revealed by her poetry.”
The prize for the year 1910 was awarded to:
Hevsg, PauL, Germany, born 1830, died 2nd April,
1914; “as a tribule fo the imaginative qualily of
his art, as revealed during a long peviod of work
as a lyricist, dramatist, novelist, and writer of
world famous stories.”’